
Recent activity
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Due dates for assignments, assessments, and important course-related events are automatically added to your calendar and managed by your instructor. Each item is color-coded depending on the courses, groups, school, or your own personal events. By clicking the Calendar icon at the top of Schoology, you can view events and due dates by the month, week, or day. It keeps events and due dates organized and easily accessible. The Schoology Calendar is an important, organizational element for your connections, courses, and groups. Contact your instructor with any questions about which apps appear to students in this area. Note: Depending on the settings in place at your school, the App Center and some of its contents may not be available to you. The attendance area displays a record of the days you were marked absent, late, or excused. Instructors can also leave comments, which will appear in the Comments section.

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You may also download a Student Report by clicking the button in the top right of the page. Click a specific course to view each graded item, your grade, the max points, and any comments from the instructor.

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The Grade Report displays a breakdown of your grades for each course. Select Grades at the top of Schoology and select either a Grade Report or Attendance. For more information about your personal calendar, review the Calendar section below. You may access your personal Calendar via the Calendar link in the Upcoming panel. Hovering over each item displays the course or group associated with the item. The Upcoming area on the right side of your home page displays events, assignments, tests/quizzes, and discussions with a due date.

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If you would prefer to view the Course Dashboard as your default home page, you can adjust this in your Account Settings. Note: Only the first 12 tiles appear in the Courses drop-down menu.From the Course Dashboard, click any one of your courses to go directly to its main landing page.

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